The world of sports, politics, and pop culture blended together in a less than normal mind

Thursday, July 8

No matter what, this isn't a positive for the NBA

The current word, which follows so many meaningless and mind-numbing words that have come before, is that Lebron James is joining Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami for some sort of South Beach career party, that is expected to begin tonight in Greenwich, CT, and end sometime in June 2011, with a Championship parade.
That's the word.
Now, if you've been following “the word” over the last several weeks, you'll know that the current word probably doesn't carry any more water than the previous word. It is just another in a long line of unconfirmed rumors about where King James might play next. People are using the phrase “done deal” for what might be the 300th time in this process,. We have heard it was a “done deal” Lebron was headed to Chicago, then back home to Cleveland, now to Miami. The only time this will be “done” will be when James announces it all himself.
But, for the sake of argument, let's say Lebron has made up his mind to go to Miami. Let's say he is joining Wade and Bosh. How will that come off tonight?
It makes a man who has represented himself as a meglomaniacal middle-school kid look more like a heartless villian, and a coward.
No matter where Lebron decides to go, if it isn't the Cavs, he will justifiably be crucified for holding an hour-long special just to break the hearts of Cleveland faithful. This has been detailed already. It's one thing to decide Cleveland no longer is the place for him. I can understand that. It is another thing to break your former fans' hearts on national television, after letting them twist in the wind for weeks. It is more than just childishly self-absorded. It is mean spirited. No matter how full of oneself a person is, they have to recognize how their actions will effect others. In this case, it would be obvious that James just doesn't care.
Now, the other team in this mix, the other franchise that has done all to land Lebron, is the Knicks. Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni sold an entire New York fanbase on the idea of a two-year plan that would involve blowing up the roster more times than a scene from The Hurt Locker in order to clear cap space. While a Lebron snub wouldn't devastate New York the way it would Cleveland, they are a close second. Chicago has Derrick Rose, Luol Deng, Joakim Noah, and just added Carlos Boozer. The Nets have a talented group of young players, a new billionaire Russian owner, and a pending move to Brooklyn. The Clippers never really thought they were in this to begin with.
The Knicks, on the other hand, have literally no where to go if Lebron chooses somewhere else.
Now, what would make the snub even worse is the site of tonight's nonsense. If you don't plan to spend the next decade of your life trying to bring a championship back to New York, why in the world would you hold the press conference in Greenwich, which is literally miles away from the Knicks home and might as well be a suburb of New York? Why come to that team's backyard just to pledge allegiance to the Heat? Why rub in the overwhelming disappointment in that way?
The idea that, well, Carmelo Anthony's wedding is in New York this weekend, so he was coming here anyway is absurd. This is a multi millionaire. If he had plans to come to the New York area this weekend, he could have held his press conference in Akron, or, heck, in Des Moines, and been on a plane to the Big Apple before midnight struck. Why does this need to be in Greenwich if he doesn't intend on playing anywhere near Greenwich in the future? (Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of Boys and Girls clubs in the country to choose from, so landing at that one isn't an excuse either.)
If, tonight, Lebron announces it's Miami, he will have needlessly insulted the two fan bases that have suffered the most in anticipation of his decision. The Cavs would be devastated. The Knicks would almost equal in their despair. Both cities would have little on which to hang their hope. And, by Lebron doing this so publically, and doing it from such a telling location, it would be the ultimate slap in the face.
But, that's about Lebron the man. What about Lebron, the player?
To me, going to Miami would be the ultimate coward move.
It is gutless.
Is there a bigger “I can't be the man” statement than running after your buddy, Dwayne Wade, to let him do all the heavy lifting in a run to the championship, while you sit back, collect a few double-doubles, and high-five Chris Bosh when Wade makes a clutch shot?
And please, spare us the “this proves Lebron only wants to win” nonsense. If he had guts, he would go someplace and compete AGAINST Wade and Bosh, try and carve out his own niche, and not try and ride on their coattails.
This isn't the NFL or MLB. In those sports, one guy doesn't make the difference. The Pittsburgh Pirates would still be a woeful team, even if they signed Albert Pujols tomorrow. The Cleveland Browns would maybe win a few more games, but not a playoff game, even if they signed Tom Brady. You have to build teams there.
In the NBA, one player can make a world of difference. Put Lebron on ANY team in the league and they are a winner. That's how much one guy can mean.
Now, great players are well within their right to demand some help. As has been said numerous times, Jordan didn't win without Pippen, Bryant didn't win without Shaq or Gasol. You need that second guy, and then role players, in order to truly be a championship team.
No one should blame Lebron if, ultimately, he either left Cleveland, or demanded action in Cleveland, in order to play along side another top teammate. But, running after someone who is argueably just as good, another alpha dog, to his city, to try and ride his coattails to victory? That is simply resignation to the fact that you will not be able to do it as the main cog. That is turning in your Batman outfit for the Robin yellow and red because it is a lot less stressful.
So, if Lebron announces Miami tonight, what do we know?
We know he is an egotist the likes of which would make Terrell Owens blush. We know he is heartless because, with his one-hour special and designated location, he will have willfully, and unnecessarily middle fingered the two organizations who sacrificed the most to try and earn his services, and we know he is gutless because he will have tamely followed his championship-pedigree friend to Miami to try and pick up a few championships as they fall from Wade's fingers.
What a sad day for the NBA if Lebron is making South Beach his home.

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